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News at The Willows 

Here at The Willows we aim to foster a lasting relationship with the families who have relatives or friends buried at our natural burial ground. We will update this page with upcoming dates and information. 



Cancellation of Summer Picnic Weekend


Unfortunately we will NOT be having our Picnic Weekend this year. We are having ground works done to improve the site and make it more accessible to everyone. The pathway down to the ponds field is being upgraded to match the pathway from the car park. Also, we are investigating why some parts of the burial ground experienced excessive flooding during the winter.


We apologise for any disruption and inconvenience this work will cause. Please be assured we are using the same team that installed the current pathway and know that they are aware of the sensitivities of working at The Willows.


We WILL be holding our Tree and Bulb Planting on the 9th and 10th November this year and we will send out further details closer to that date.


If you have any concerns or require more information about the work being carried out, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Can we also mention that Chris has a new mobile number so please check that you have his correct number.


Kind regards,



Chris, Jenny, Jacob, Jodie Scroby

Mobile:  07857 105900

Land line: 01455 888699



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