Our prices include the long term maintenance of the burial ground.
Prices from September 2023.
Grave Plots Ponds Field
Full Coffin Plot £700.00 £925.00
Cremated Remains Plot £250.00 £350.00
Infant Plot (Coffin or Casket burial) £450.00 £650.00
Infant Plot (Ashes) £225.00 £325.00
Interment Fees(Grave preparation,use of a small shelter * & chairs, our attendance and administration)
Coffin Plot (Standard size) £495.00
(Coffins in excess of 6ft 6in x 26in will be charged an additional £50)
Cremated Remains Plot £195.00
Infant Coffin Plot £195.00
Weekend Supplement £125.00
Memorial Trees - Native British Trees Only
Small Tree of Choice From £225.00
(Native British trees including; Cherry, Birch, fruit trees, Hazel, etc. prices are seasonal and according to size selected)
As a general rule trees will only be planted on the grave when a full coffin plot is purchased. Alternatively, trees are available for dedication in our memorial woodland. We must also point out that if every grave in the woodland area were planted with a tree, strong growth and tree life would not occur. Therefore we will advise you what plots are available within the planting plan. We generally only plant between November
and April due to high failure rates during Spring and Summer seasons.
Please CLICK HERE for trees available at The Willows.
Memorial Engraved Welsh Slate Plaques
Tree Plaque (Mounted on a short oak post next to tree/bush/shrub) From £160.00 to £200.00
Plaque for Memorial Post From £160.00
Plaque for a Bench (includes an extra back rail and infill rail) From £295.00
Small illustration Each £60.00
Each change of colour used on the illustration Each £10.00
Other Memorials (Selected areas only)
Benches (additionally, there is likely to be a charge for the area the bench is placed upon.
Their placement is discretionary and by agreement). £595.00
We also have for hire:
A refurbished, 150 year old funeral bier (or modern coffin transporter) £75.00
Event shelters (15 - 20 persons) Hire of 1 £75.00
Hire of 2 £100.00
Marquee hire, with flooring, carpets and up to 50 chairs £600.00